What causes acne on the face, chest, and back?

Acne is a symptom of a problem caused by the swelling of the sebaceous glands in the skin. The sebaceous glands have an important role in the skin for this to produce the sebum oil needed by the hair to keep it strong. Sebum also required skin to maintain moisture, so the skin becomes healthy and can prevent the occurrence of wrinkles or premature aging of the face. However, when the sebaceous glands produce excessive sebum it even leads to swelling of the skin resulting in acne.

what causes acne on face

Having a smooth, smooth and clean face is everyone's dream. When the improper acne appears on our face, when that happens often arises questions like this:

What causes acne on the face ?, This question is often in our minds and makes you upset, sometimes it presses our mind. The face is the most common place in growing by acne if this happens often make the loss of confidence and feel embarrassed when having to meet with others. Usually acne occurs in women but, in fact, some men also have problems with acne.

In general, many things that cause facial acne, this is triggered by several factors such as heredity, hormonal factors, even food causes acne.

Environmental factors, we should keep the environment clean from air pollution. Pollution carries a number of bacteria attached to the face. The bacteria will clog the pores to become narrow, so the oil produced by the sebaceous glands cannot get out with so acne will appear on the face.

Genetic factors, usually parents who have acne will carry genes that cause acne in offspring.
Hormone factors, growth hormone is needed by a child who just stepped into adulthood. This hormone works to get the maximal height in adolescents, but the rapid development of hormones can trigger sebaceous glands to work harder to produce sebum. Therefore a teenager is susceptible to acne.

some places are often in grow acne other than face:

  • Back

Why can the back be grown acne? it's very strange, is not it? Because the back is always damp with sweat when we do daily activities, this makes the pores clogged. What's more, the back is the hard part to clean. But a man is more prone to acne on the back than women because men tend to have more sweat

  • Neck

Usually, the neck comes in give makeup, when a woman doing the activities of dressing up she often adds makeup on the neck to look the same and perfect. This activity even causes acne, you should keep the neck cleanliness to prevent acne.

  • Chest

Chest as well as the back, excessive sweating during the activity that causes acne. But the chest is easier to clean, so it only has a small possibility if the grow acne.

Acne on the face can attack anyone no matter what their age. Generally, only teenagers are attacked, but the reality of pregnant women and babies also experience it. Then what causes it:

1. what causes pimples on the face when pregnant?

Changes during pregnancy are things that must be faced by prospective young mothers ranging from changes in appetite, mood changes, physical changes until the acne on the face. In early pregnancy, acne is easy to grow on the face, because of hormonal changes in pregnant women. Unstable hormones make excess oil production on the skin resulting in acne. Therefore, when pregnant young expectant mothers expect to pay attention to cleanliness on the skin because the skin during pregnancy is more sensitive than ordinary women. If acne has occurred please note while walking acne treatment during pregnancy, mistakes in facial treatment will affect the fetus in the birth.

To treat acne you can choose the natural cure for acne, natural way safer and no side effects. But natural treatments take a little longer than chemicals. When doing this treatment you are patient and patient, if not the treatment you do will only be in vain. The second option you can do acne treatment during pregnancy benzoyl peroxide, which is safe for pregnant women.

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What causes acne on the face, chest, and back? What causes acne on the face, chest, and back? Reviewed by Unknown on October 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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